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1. When you meet, Dr. Lee will listen to you, in your own words, what brought you in.


2. After this, he will generally follow-up with a series of specific questions pertinent to your situation.


3. He will then review your diagnosis with a description of the relevant anatomy, the x-ray imaging, and the pathology. Whether it is hip or knee arthritis, or another condition, we will discuss what led up to it.


4. After you understand your diagnosis, he will review the treatment options, and as a last resort, whether joint replacement surgery is reasonable for you.


5. At the visit conclusion, you will either choose on a treatment option or take your time to decide at home and proceed when you are ready.


Dr. Lee believes it is important for you to make an informed decision based on your own set of circumstances and needs. You should never feel obligated to proceed with a surgical intervention.



Appointment Overview
Helpful History


1. Which knee or hip is painful? If both left and right joints are painful, take note of which one is more severe.


2. Is the pain worse with bearing weight on that leg?


3. For how long can you walk before needing to take a break due to joint pain?


4. Is the pain relieved by motrin or other NSAIDs?


5. Does the pain wake you up from sleep?


6. Have you tried using a knee brace? If so, is it helpful? If so, bring it to your appointment.


7. Do you use an assist device? If so, bring it to your appointment.


8. Have you had injections to the hip or knee? If so, what was injected and when? Was there pain relief?


9. Have you had surgery on the hip or knee in the past? (If so, an operative report from your surgeon's medical records department is helpful. It is best delivered by hand if you are able to obtain a CD of the report as well as prior X-rays).

What to Bring

What/Who to Bring

If you are using a brace, cane, crutches, or walker, bring these to your appointment.


Also, if you are a first-time visitor, it is often helpful to bring a family member or close friend, who can help you absorb the information and advice being presented.


However, because of COVID-19 distancing practices, at this time we are not having additional visitors for clinic visits.


If you are coming for your pre-operative visit in preparation for a scheduled surgery, we ask that you bring along your "coach," the family member/friend who will be able to support you during your immediate recovery period.

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